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How to Build Portfolios Using the My Portfolio Tool The My Portfolio tool is accessible to all AAII members, but A+ Investor subscribers have access to exclusive features, including Portfolio Insights and Diversification Analysis. However, to get the most out of those features, you first need to create a portfolio with your holdings. You may also wish to make a separate portfolio or two to hold your stock, mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) ideas. Here are the steps to create a new portfolio in My Portfolio. Creating a portfolio will allow you to gain insights into your portfolio holdings: How your investments are performing now and ...
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The AAII A+ Stock Grades system is a research and evaluation tool that seeks to grade companies within five investment key factors: value, growth, momentum, earnings estimate revisions and quality. The grades measure key metrics within each factor and determine a relative score that seeks to separate the strong versus the weak candidates. These grades are part of AAII’s A+ Investor online investment discovery, analysis and tracking service, which is also part of the AAII Platinum bundle. The grades were designed to be an educational and insightful research tool for the individual investor. Our goal was not to create a black box ranking system. Instead, ...
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A n option is a contractual agreement that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a fixed quantity of a security or commodity at a fixed price within a specified period of time. It is a type of derivative that investors use to hedge their risks against market volatilities or to exchange a floating rate of return for a fixed rate of return. Developments in financial instruments have led to a variety of hybrids, including index options. An option can either be standardized, exchange-traded and government regulated, or over-the-counter customized and non-regulated. To satisfy the need for timely options data, information, and education, ...
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