AAII San Diego Chapter

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  • 1.  Calendar Spreads

    Posted 03-15-2024 13:48

    The AAII San Diego Options SIG will meet this Saturday, March 16, 9:00 AM PT. 

    Himanshu Raval will discuss the basics of calendar spreads, example trades and how they can be managed using the ThinkorSwim trading platform. Himanshu is a Chemical Engineer by training but has been trading options for 28 years. He began trading full time in 2009 after realizing the significant profit potential of trading options. He has also been running an options trading group since 2009. Currently this trading group ("Trading Group 7 - Discussing calendar spreads and more") meets every Tuesday at 11:00AM and can be joined by visiting,  https://aeromir.com/ to register. In 2014 Himanshu began coaching students, individually and in groups. Currently he revels in 2 of 3 true callings, i.e., trading and teaching. The 3rd calling is his wife who he met while teaching a most intersting and interested coaching group.  

    Meeting registration is required using the following Zoom link:

    Password: SaFsAys21 

    Slide presentations and Zoom recordings, including our previous meeting on Calendar Spreads, can be seen at: https://aaiisandiego.com/sub-groups/options-trading/ . Contact me (Bruce Ennis) at vicepresident@aaiisandiego.com
     with any questions or suggestions.

    Voluntary Payment: Please consider supporting the San Diego Chapter of AAII and our educational events. Your donations support our ongoing operational costs. You can provide any level of financial support on the chapter website at www.aaiisandiego.com. Your support is greatly appreciated.


    [Bruce W.] [Ennis, Ph.D.]
    [Vice President AAII San Diego Chapter]