AAII Columbus Chapter - September 13, 2023 In-Person Meeting MCL Cafeteria & Bakery

When:  Sep 13, 2023 from 06:30 to 07:30 (ET)
Associated with  AAII Columbus Chapter

Presenter:  Doug Smith, AAII Columbus Chapter President

Presentation Topic: History Rhymes-Are You Ready?


Mark Twain said history rhymes, not repeats itself. What’s the difference? We think there are common causes for history to repeat itself, but the causes don’t create exactly the same trends each time.

We will review causes for change, possible new trends the causes create and possible ways to take advantage of the opportunities that appear. 

Three things you will learn:

1. The common causes for history to rhyme

2. Possible different trends coming from the causes colliding

3. Time for attitude adjustment-increasing income and defensive opportunities and reconsidering risks. Investment plan tweak ideas?

Douglas C. Smith has 25 years of experience in the investment industry. He is a financial writer and the author of A Path to Wealth. He is president of the Douglas C. Smith Company, LLC, and editor of The1804House.com, a financial educational website. For more than fifty years, Smith has been a student of the market and investor psychology. He is past president of the Central Ohio chapter of Better Investing and for the last 19 years has been president of the AAII Columbus Chapter. Smith holds a degree in accounting from the University of Denver.       


MCL Cafeteria and Bakery
3154 Kingsdale Center
Upper Arlington, OH 43221