Current Events in the Markets and Economy

When:  Dec 12, 2023 from 19:00 to 20:30 (CT)

Current Events in the Markets and Economy

By Sandy Leeds, Distinguished Senior Lecturer University of Texas at Austin 

Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 pm CST (8:00 pm EST)

Webinar Only

The markets provide information every day…the difficulty is deciphering what we’re being told.  In this session, we’ll do a quick review of the most important real-time issues.

 What you will learn

·       The most recent trends in the stock and bond market include performance, volatility, correlations, concentration, the changing shape of the yield curve and more

·       The arguments supporting a bullish stance and the arguments supporting a bearish stance

·       What the Fed is thinking about with respect to the Fed funds rate, the neutral rate and the dual mandate

·       Important relationships for stocks and bonds

Speaker Biography

Sandy Leeds is a faculty member in the Finance Department at The University of Texas at Austin.  He has been on the faculty for 23 years and teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses.  He served as President of The MBA Investment Fund, LLC for 13 years and he has co-authored a graduate-level Investments textbook with Frank Reilly and Keith Brown.  Sandy has received the award as the outstanding professor in the full-time MBA, Dallas MBA, Houston MBA, Evening MBA, MSF and MSM programs.  He has also received several school-wide teaching awards.

Prior to joining the faculty, Sandy was one of four portfolio managers at a firm with $1.6 billion under management.  He has also tried approximately 200 cases as a prosecutor.  He has an undergraduate degree in Finance (summa cum laude) from The University of Alabama, a law degree from The University of Virginia, and an MBA from The University of Texas.  He currently serves as the lead director for a new small-/micro-cap fund offered by Bares Capital Management.


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Bill Hawes
512 470-6106