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Posted By JAMES GRANT 12-27-2023 09:42
Found In Egroup: AAII Cleveland Ohio Chapter
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John, I am intrigued by your question. ETFs that hold big stocks are typically quite diversified across sectors and industries. Given that, your question never would have to mind. Second, you say you own many ETFs. I can imagine why anyone. would need to own more that 4-6 ETFs at anyone time, given ...
Posted By JAMES GRANT 02-19-2023 11:19
Found In Egroup: AAII Cleveland Ohio Chapter
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Well, John, I'd suggest you start by consolidating the funds you plan on investing into 1 brokerage house. Then, stop downloading / updating - - - too time-consuming. Instead, master that brokerage house's online charting system (or Stockcharts). Then, develop the criteria you intend to use to assess ...